Have you ever felt like you were just an option for someone?
Maybe you were excited about a new relationship or friendship, only to realize that the other person wasn’t as invested as you were.
It’s a painful experience that can leave you feeling confused, rejected, and unworthy. You might start to doubt yourself and wonder what you did wrong.
But the truth is, you didn’t do anything wrong. You deserve to be treated with respect, care, and consideration by the people in your life.
In this blog post, we’ve put together a collection of don’t be an option for anyone quotes that remind you of your worth and encourage you to set healthy boundaries.
Don’t be an option for anyone quotes
#1. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” – Mark Twain
#2. “Don’t make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou
#3. “You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.” – Tony Gaskins
#4. “Don’t bother reserving a space in your heart for someone who doesn’t try to stay.”
#5. “Don’t be someone’s downtime, spare time, part-time, or sometime. If they can’t be there for you all the time, they’re not worth your time.”
#6. “A person who values you will never make you feel like a choice; you’ll always be their first and only.”
#7. “There are two kinds of people in the world: those who make you a priority and those who make you an option.”
#8. “Do not waste your time on someone who only wants to keep you around for their convenience.”
#9. “You can’t force someone to value you or respect you, but you can choose to spend your time around people who do.”
#10. “You deserve someone who is sure about you, not someone who keeps you as an option.”
#11. “Don’t be the one who waits for others to choose you; be the one who chooses yourself.”
#12. “Your time is too valuable to be wasted on someone who sees you as an option.”
#13. “If you’re not a priority in someone’s life, it’s time to make yourself a priority in your own.”
#14. “Know your worth. Don’t settle for being someone’s option when you have the potential to be their priority.”
#15. “If you’re not someone’s priority, don’t make them your option.”
#16. “Don’t be a fallback plan, be someone’s forever plan.”
#17. “When someone treats you like an option, it’s a reflection of their priorities, not your value.”
#18. “Know your worth. You’re not a convenience; you’re a commitment.”
#19. “You deserve to be someone’s first choice, not their second option.”
#20. “You’re worth more than being someone’s option. Don’t settle for less.”
21. “Never settle for being someone’s second choice when you can be their first.”
#22. “If they don’t see your value, it’s not your job to convince them. Move on.”
#23. “Being an option to someone is like being a shadow, only needed when there’s light but forgotten in the dark.“
I’m Not An Option Quotes
#24. “I am not here to fill the gaps in your life; I am here to stand beside you. If you can’t see that, you’ve already lost me.“
#25. “You made me an option, but I’ll never apologize for knowing I deserve more.“
#26. “I am not a backup plan, and I refuse to be an option. I am worth the choice.”
#27. “Don’t mistake my patience for weakness. My heart may have waited, but now it’s moving on.”
#28. “It hurts to realize I was only there to fill the silence in your life, not the space in your heart.”
#29. “The saddest part isn’t that you made me an option, but that I let myself believe I was more.”
#30. “I tried to be enough, but in the end, I was just an option you could live without.”
#31. “I was always waiting for you to choose me, but you never saw me as anything more than a backup.”
#32. “The pain isn’t just in being left behind, it’s knowing I was never worth choosing.”
#33. “The hardest lesson I’ve learned is that love isn’t enough when you’re just a convenience to someone.”
#34. “It hurts to know I was always just an option for you while you were my entire world.”
#35. “I am not here to fill a void in your life; I am here to be valued.”
#36. “I deserve to be chosen every single time, not just when it’s convenient.”
Feeling Like An Option Quotes
#37. “It’s exhausting to feel like I’m always the one left waiting, never the one you choose first.”
#38. “Being someone’s option is the loneliest kind of love.”
#39. “I deserve more than to be kept on the sidelines, waiting for the day you finally decide I’m worth it.”
#40. “There’s an emptiness in knowing you’re just a choice when you’ve made them your priority.”
#41. “You can’t keep me waiting forever, hoping I’ll be okay with being just an option.”
#42. “Feeling like an option breaks your spirit, piece by piece.”
#43. “I’ve learned the hard way that being an option to you means losing myself in the process.”
In conclusion, it’s important to prioritize our happiness and well-being and not compromise them for the sake of others.
We should never settle for being someone’s second choice.
This quote encourages us to value ourselves and our worth and not allow anyone to treat us as an option. If you resonate with this quote, I encourage you to share it with your family and friends.
Let’s spread the message of self-respect and empowerment and inspire others to value themselves as much as they deserve.